

When David prayed: “Create in me a clean heart, and renew a right spirit within me“, he was sick and tired of his sin nature running him. He recognized the responsibility was his first to put a stop to what was going on in his life. No one else could make him or force him to take a serious look at himself and do what it took to make a change.
Whenever temptation, fear, or discouragement knocks on your door, you have to tell it, “NO! You can’t stay here! I HAVE to live here, but I don’t have to live with you!”According to Micah 7:6, sometimes a man’s enemies are the men of his own house.

You must make decisions about the house of your heart. Will you let enemies stay and make their abode in the house of your heart?  You HAVE to live there, but the enemies do not. You can put them out!